Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Report on Community G-917 Date Approx July 20th, 2004
Wheeling down the village - the construction for the new transit plaza has added fencing across the construction site and across the only curb cut to that side of the village. The only H/C parking being on this side - I roll into the city planning to file a complaint.
REF:1102.3 Alternate Circulation Path. An alternate circulation path complying with 1111 shall be provided whenever the existing pedestrian access route is blocked by construction, alteration, maintenance, or other temporary conditions.

Met D. And J., they asked to meet with me in the accessible meeting room next door. I go the w/c way to meet them over there. I can't get in as there is a sitting bench placed against the wall blocking the doorway to w/c. Staff comes to move the bench - which was put back in place as I was leaving.

I asked if the city had received the Lockyer letter of April 2002. [see links- Lockyer letter]

D. Said he had it in his desk drawer and had advised the city that due to the unfunded mandates reform, the city was not required to conform to the letter requirements. [see links - unfunded mandates do not apply to the ADA]

We had long conversations, not all of which I will reference here, but will keep in my notes and post as applicable.

My concern is that it appears there is more effort to AVOID compliance than to PROVIDE compliance to access barrier removal.

D. Said he would get with the construction manager and try to get an alternate path to replace the blocked curb cut. [NOTE: the only other crossing is a two short blocks trip one way - four blocks round trip] No time frame but I accepted his word that he would work to fix the crossing.
posted LW