Thought you might be interested in the response I just received to some of my coomplaints from the City of San Rafael, Marin County. Their document doesn't indicate when I filed the complaints.
Thanks for your efforts. If we can let enough of our community know about what you are doing, and cases come to you from across the Country, just think the effect that would have during the public hearings in Sacramento at the Capitol or in Washington during Congressional hearings on the 90 day legislation!
Richard Skaff
November 10, 2004
Richard Skaff
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Re: Follow up on various ADA Complaints
Dear Mr. Skaff:
Thank you for your patience while the City of San Rafael could take the time to investigate and respond to a number of alleged ADA violations that you have raised over the past months. My latest correspondence denotes specific locations and the steps being taken to bring alleged ADA violations into compliance for some of the sites you have identified in previous e-mails. The table below summarizes the site location, the alleged violations, and our actions taken as of this writing.
Alleged Violation(s)
Violation(s) identified by City
Property owner notification
Expected Compliance Date
Home Depot - 111 Shoreline Parkway
Restrooms in buildings being open; portable restrooms being full compliant, detectable warnings surfaces incomplete; non accessible parking spaces, no loading zones and non-compliant signage (tow info and telephone #); no van accessible spaces
Accessible spaces, cross slope, signage, detectable warning surfaces, Braille in restrooms
Letter sent to owner 11/5/2004
February 4, 2005
Sizzler - 3725 Redwood Hwy
Non-compliant signage (tow info and telephone #)
Signage, repainting accessible space
Letter sent to owner 11/5/2004
February 4, 2005
Grand Avenue Center - 777 Grand
No required van accessible parking or tow-away signage
Accessible spaces, space slopes, signage
Letter sent to owner 11/5/2004
February 4, 2005
Java Detour - 836 Second Street
New driveways don't have proper 2% cross slope; pedestrian walkway crosses vehicular lanes without detectable warning materials; tow away signs; accessible counters and workspace for employees and customers
Sidewalk slope; path of travel to walk up windows; landings; detectable devices; accessible space and signage; walk-up counter, exit door
Letter sent to owner 11/5/2004
February 4, 2005
CompUSA/Staples Center - 655 Irwin
Did not have required "van accessible" parking spaces/loading zones/signage, nor required phone number/address included on the "tow away" signs located at the entrance to each facility's parking lots.
Letter sent to owner 11/5/2004;
E-mail to Hattie Johnson at California Architects Board
February 4, 2005
Land Rover Site - Irwin Street
Did not have required "van accessible" parking spaces/loading zones/signage, nor required phone number/address included on the "tow away" signs located at the entrance to each facility's parking lots.
None - property is currently vacant
None to owner; e-mail to Hattie Johnson at California Architects Board
When new tenant application is approved
KFC - 555 Second Street
Kentucky Fried Chicken - next to 777 Grand Avenue - No tow-away sign and accessible parking space not properly marked
Letter sent to owner 11/5/2004
February 4, 2005
United Market and Gardens - 513 third Avenue
United Market and United Market garden store, between 3rd and Grand Streets - no van accessible parking spaces/signage as required
Accessible space, signage
Letter sent to owner 11/5/2004
February 4, 2005
Property owners are expected to have noted violations remedied by February 4, 2005 as noted above. Out Building Division staff is ready to assist any of these owners in achieving compliance remedies and barrier removal. Inspection of each site will be conducted to verify full ADA compliance.
Some of the other violations you have alleged (A& W Restaurant, Avance) are still under review. As our staff and ADA consultant compete their investigations, I will provide you the City's response and identify actions to be taken by said owners, if so warranted.
Thank you for your patience while other City staff and I looked into this matter. Please know that our response time has been delayed due to the unexpected death of our Chief Building Official last month. This position is currently vacant, and will likely remain so through the end of the calendar year while we complete a recruitment process.
Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me directly at 485-3055.
Ken Nordhoff
Assistant City Manager
ADA Coordinator
Copy: Rod Gould, City Manager
Bob Brown, Community Development Director
Joe Curley, Supervising Building Inspector
Eric Davis, Deputy City Attorney
W:\City Managers- WorkFile\Correspondence\Nordhoff\Letters\2004\ADA-Access Complaints-rs #5.doc
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